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Why Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer Instead of a Public Defender?

When you’re facing criminal charges, you’ll need to act now to protect your future and see what can be done about getting your case dismissed. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy. Even choosing the right person to represent your case can be difficult.

You may have heard suggestions about lawyers in your area, but why hire a criminal defense lawyer instead of a public defender? When you’re preparing to defend your case and seek a dismissal of your charges, getting the right help is essential. As such, you’ll need to ensure you have the right person on your side before you fight back.

More Focus on Your Case

When you’re accused of a criminal offense, you’ll need someone on your side who can guide you through your case. Unfortunately, a public defender may not be able to devote the time and attention you need for your case.

Keep in mind that a public defender may be working several cases at once. Because they work for the court, they’re employed to help those who don’t have an attorney. Unfortunately, that means they may have many other clients, leaving less time and energy for your case.

That can leave many people struggling to get their cases fully dismissed. You’ll instead need to seek out an attorney who can give their full time and energy to your case. You’ll need someone willing to fight for you, not just someone to represent you in front of the judge.

More Choices for You

Choosing to work with a public defender also limits your options for representation. If you choose to fight back with a public defender, they’re selected for you and may be your only option for a defense. Even if you’re unhappy with the attention they’re giving your case or with their behavior, you’ll have limited options to retaliate.

Fortunately, that’s where your private criminal defense lawyer can help. With a Florida attorney, you’ll have options on who you file with and flexibility to choose another if your first choice doesn’t work for you. That gives you the chance to find an attorney who you can trust with your case.

If you’re concerned about getting the right person for your case, seeking out a criminal defense lawyer may be a better option for you, rather than a public defender. They’ll give you more options than a public defender can offer.

Choose the Right Lawyer for Your Case

When your future is on the line, seeking out the right legal guidance is vital. You’ll need help preparing the best defense for your case and presenting your evidence to the court. The consequences of a conviction can be harsh, so getting help before you begin is important.

That’s why you need a lawyer from Hersem Law to guide you through your case and answer your criminal defense–related questions. Our attorneys are ready to help you fight for a full dismissal of your charges, so contact us when you’re ready to get started on your case.

Getting in touch with our criminal defense lawyers is easy. Simply reach out by calling 813-251-7291 or by filling out the online form below.

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Can I Lose My License for Speeding in Florida?

When you see those lights flashing in your rearview mirror, you’re probably a little worried about your license. That’s especially true if you believe the officer will charge you with speeding, which can come with serious penalties at higher speeds.

You’ll probably have several questions about speeding tickets going through your head, including one especially important question: “Can I lose my license for speeding in Florida?”

Sadly, there are cases where you could lose your license for some time, if you fail to defend your case and fight to get a dismissal. Fortunately, the right Florida lawyer can help you. When your license is in danger, you’ll need to act now to protect it.

Florida’s Points System

When you’re given a traffic ticket of any kind, you know you’re facing fines, but what about points on your license? Many drivers may not be as familiar with the points system, especially since it typically doesn’t immediately affect your license.

Instead, your traffic ticket points build up over time. Each moving violation is worth a different number of points. As those points accrue, you may lose your license if they reach certain totals.

For example, you may lose your license for one month if you accumulate twelve points within a single twelve-month span. Eighteen points in eighteen months will lead to a three-month suspension, and if you receive twenty-four points in only thirty-six months, your license will be suspended for a year.

If you already have points on your license, speeding can lead to a suspension. Speeding only adds three points to your license, and speeding over 50 mph will add four, but these points build up. Because that buildup can leave you relying on others, it’s important to fight back now to get your ticket dismissed.

Defending Your Speeding Case

Because speeding can lead to a license suspension, it’s best not to ignore those points on your license. Even if this ticket is your first, it’s best to fight your Florida ticket now and protect your license for the future.

Once you’ve pleaded not guilty to your case, you’ll then need to fight back to defend yourself. How you’ll do this, however, will depend on your case. Your Florida lawyer will review your case with you and seek out evidence, like signs of duress or speeding to avoid danger. Once they find the right defense to your case, they’ll help you defend yourself and ideally protect your license.

Defend Your Driver’s License with a Lawyer’s Help

When you’re accused of speeding, you may already know that hefty fines are possibly in your future. However, you may also be asking, “Can I lose my license for speeding in Florida?”

Unfortunately, there’s a chance that your driver’s license could be in danger. And even if you manage to keep your license, your insurance costs can increase drastically if you plead guilty to a speeding ticket.

You have a chance to fight back, though, so you’ll just need to act quickly to protect your future. That’s where a lawyer from Hersem Law can step in.

Our attorneys understand how difficult it can be to dispute a speeding ticket, so we’re here to help, starting with a free strategy session. We’ll review your case and help you find the best defense for you.

When you’re ready, getting started is as easy as calling 813-251-7291 or completing the following online form.

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When Is Drug Possession a Felony in Florida?

When you’re arrested on drug possession charges, knowing the stakes of a conviction can help you fight back and prepare for your Florida case. However, some charges may change, depending on the severity of the situation. As such, your drug possession case could range from a first-degree misdemeanor to a first-degree felony.

When is drug possession a felony in Florida? You’ll need to understand before your day in court what charges you’re facing and why. If you don’t focus on these details, you could be facing harsher penalties, making it more difficult to recover. As such, you’ll need to contact your Tampa criminal defense attorney about your charges and then fight back.

The Amount Will Matter

What makes a drug possession more than a misdemeanor? Typically, the severity of the conviction is affected by the amount of drugs you’ve been convicted of carrying. For example, if you’re only carrying a small amount, you might only be facing misdemeanor charges.

However, larger amounts, especially when dealing with Schedule I and II drugs, can lead to much harsher penalties. For example, if you’re found in possession of more than twenty grams of weed, you could be charged with a third-degree felony, or even higher.

As such, knowing the type and amount of the drug you were accused of carrying can help you fight back to get your charges dropped. Once your Florida drug attorney knows the severity of the accusations, we can begin fighting back for you.  

Penalties for Felony Charges

Unfortunately, the penalties you could face for a felony charge may be serious. Once you’ve found the type of charges you’re facing, you’ll need to understand what the penalties for a felony in Florida will be before your day in court.

One of your major concerns may be jail time. That means time away from your family, an impact on your career, and an extended time away from the things and people you love. In Florida, if you’re facing a third-degree felony, the least serious of the charges, you may face up to five years in jail. For a first-degree felony, you could be in jail for up to thirty years on possession charges.

Once you’re released, the penalties don’t stop. Instead, keep in mind that your criminal records are public, meaning that a felony conviction will still affect your life. For example, a potential employer may choose not to hire you because of your record, which will come up during a background check. As such, it’s important to fight back now, rather than face consequences later.

Seek out a Drug Possession Lawyer’s Help

When you’re accused of drug possession offenses, you may have plenty of questions about your case. First, though, it’s important to know when drug possession is a felony in Florida. Unfortunately, it’s common for drug possession charges to be felony charges, depending on the amount in question.

That’s why it’s so important to fight back with the help of an attorney from Hersem Law. Our lawyers can help you fight to get your charges dropped, no matter how severe the case is.

When you’re ready to begin, reach out for a free strategy session where we’ll discuss your options. To get started, give us a call at 813-251-7291 or fill out the online form below.

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Common DUI Defenses and When to Use Them

When you’re arrested for a DUI (driving under the influence) in Florida, you’ll need to fight back to avoid serious consequences. A DUI is a major offense, and you could lose your license for some time, along with receiving heavy fines, possible jail time, and an ignition interlock device.

Defending yourself in court can help you increase your chances of getting your DUI dismissed, but first you’ll need to know some common DUI defenses and when to use them. The most appropriate option will depend on your situation, so you and your lawyer may need to focus on what happened first in your particular drunk driving case.

Inaccurate Field Sobriety Tests

In some cases, you might have had a drink, but you shouldn’t have been over the limit by the time you were heading home. You were stopped on the way, however, and the field sobriety test said you were over the legal limit.

However, these sobriety tests aren’t always completely accurate. Some experts have criticized the machines for false positives when other methods can also test impairment. In these cases, you may need to bring in an expert witness who can attest that these drunk driving tests can be inaccurate.

Typically, you may want to use this defense if you believe you weren’t over the legal limit. You didn’t feel impaired, and you believe that you didn’t drink as much as the machine suggested. Further tests at the station could help support this defense.

Driving under Duress

Unfortunately, you might have had no choice in the matter. You had to drive, even if you were drunk, and you were pulled over for it. If you didn’t want to drive but were forced to, you might have a chance to get your case dismissed.

For example, you might have been in a situation where someone was forcing you to drive while intoxicated. They needed to go somewhere, and they threatened you to get their way. In these cases, you and your lawyer will focus on proving that the other person forced you to drive despite your being impaired.

Or perhaps someone might have been hurt, and calling an ambulance wasn’t an option. While most of us now always have smartphones on us, there are times when our phones are dead or we’re too far away from any towers and unable to call for help. You may have had to drive into town because it was an emergency, not because you were intentionally reckless.  

Contact a DUI Lawyer for Your Appropriate Defense

Unfortunately, a DUI can be costly, and it can be difficult to prove that you didn’t intentionally endanger anyone. So, before your day in court, you’ll need to know two things: common DUI defenses in Florida and when to use them.

At Hersem Law, we understand how tough it can be to find the right defense for your drunk driving case. Fortunately, we can help you determine the best options for your case and fight to get your DUI dismissed. Get started with a free strategy session, and our attorneys will show you how we can help before you begin.

To get started, reach out by calling 813-251-7291 or by completing the online form below.

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Can I Be Pulled over for Texting While Driving in FL?

While you’re on the road, it can be tempting to send a quick text that you’re on the way, or to check that notification that buzzed at you a few minutes ago. Unfortunately, if you do choose to check it, you could be in serious trouble.

Plenty of Florida drivers have checked their phones behind the wheel, but can you be pulled over for texting while driving in FL? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. However, you also have a chance to get your ticket dropped if you fight back in traffic court.

Tickets for texting while driving can be expensive, and they can drastically affect your license and insurance costs. So, reach out for help before you defend yourself in traffic court or plead guilty to your ticket.

Florida’s Texting Ban

Like many states, Florida has placed a ban on texting while driving in any form. If you need to use your phone, you’re expected by law enforcement officers to pull over before making your call or text. Texting while driving is considered distracted driving, which could lead to serious injuries.

Texting and driving has become such a serious issue today that many states like Florida have implemented safe driving programs. For example, Florida has designated certain rest areas as “safe phone zones,” encouraging people to pull over to these places before they use their cell phones.

Unfortunately, because distracted driving is such a problem, police officers will be on the lookout for any signs that you’re texting and driving. That also means that you could be left with hefty fines that you’ll need to fight.  

Penalties for Texting and Driving in Florida

When you’re pulled over for texting while driving, the penalties for a guilty plea or a conviction can be harsh. You’ll need to fight back to make sure you don’t face these penalties, or you could spend years fighting back afterwards.

First, you’ll need to watch for the fines that come with a traffic ticket. Even a first offense can be expensive. If you don’t take action, you might be paying more than one hundred dollars for something you don’t believe you’re guilty of.

Worse, it can affect your license. Florida has a points system, which means that for every ticket you receive, you’ll also receive points on your license that add up. If those points reach certain limits within a single period, your license can be suspended. So, if you’re pulled over for texting while driving, you may need to fight back to protect your driving privileges.  

Fight Your FL Ticket Today

If you’ve ever had to pull over to answer a text, or if you’ve gone ahead and answered, you’ve likely wondered, “Can I be pulled over for texting while driving in FL?” The bad news is, yes, you can be pulled over. The good news, however, is that you have a chance to fight back.

When you’re pulled over and given a ticket, you’ll have a chance to fight back against that ticket by calling a lawyer from Hersem Law. We’ll help you defend yourself in traffic court, starting with a free strategy session. That way, you know that our firm is right for you before you begin.

Ready to get started? Give us a call at 813-251-7291 or complete the online form below.