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Can I Receive a Criminal Charge for Speeding?

When you’re pulled over for speeding, what you may expect is a lecture from the police officer about road safety and a speeding ticket. What you may get is a ride to the police station. You may have been arrested for criminal charges—but how does this happen if you were only speeding? 

A criminal charge for speeding may sound unfair, but it happens. An experienced Tampa traffic ticket lawyer can help you deal with the fallout and fight to get your charges reduced or dismissed. 

Speeding vs. Reckless Driving 

Being charged with speeding is a traffic violation that results in a fine and points on your license if you plead guilty. So how could you have criminal charges to deal with, now? In these cases, you may have been charged with reckless driving, a criminal offense. Police officers may justify this based on what they claim you were doing besides speeding. 

Here are a few violations police officers may use to justify charging you with a criminal offense: 

  • Switching lanes quickly or without signaling 
  • Tailgating 
  • Driving distracted
  • Failure to stop signs
  • Failure to traffic lights 

Penalties for Reckless Driving Charges 

When you’re charged with a speeding ticket, you may have a hefty fine, but that may not seem so bad. Reckless driving charges, however, may impact your life in serious ways. 

First, you may face jail time, which you wouldn’t have faced with a speeding ticket. Already, the penalties are more dire—a few months in jail can impact your housing, your family, and your career. The financial penalties can also be difficult to pay, especially if you lost your job while serving jail time.

But your criminal record may be the harshest penalty to face. Even if you’ve finished your prison sentence and paid your dues, your record won’t be cleared. That can impact your future employment and housing opportunities, leading to denials and headaches which will haunt your and your family’s future.

Defenses for Traffic-Related Criminal Charges 

Choosing the right defense for reckless driving can be difficult. For example, you may have evidence that proves you weren’t speeding based on the posted speed limit, but what about the other signs of reckless driving the police officer has accused you of? 

Another defense for your reckless driving case is your reckless driving may not have been willful. For example, you may have been in a life-threatening situation or trying to avoid injury, which required you to disobey the rules of the road. That can help you reduce or dismiss the charges against you. 

But the right defense for your case will depend on you and the details of your case. Your lawyer can review the details of your traffic stop and what your next steps may be. 

Speak with a Criminal Defense Lawyer About Your Criminal Charge 

A criminal charge on your record can impact your future and your driving record, which makes it difficult to recover from the harsh penalties the judge may set for you. 

That’s where we at Hersem Law can help. We understand how even a simple traffic ticket can get out of control fast. We want to help you get answers and get your life back. For a free strategy session, call 813-251-7291 or fill out the following online contact form. 

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Penalties for an Underage DUI in Florida

Drinking before you’re legally old enough is common for many college students and other young people. Maybe you only had one drink, or maybe you were just leaving a party after a night of fun with your friends. Now, you’ve been pulled over, and one fun night may have just turned into a months-long nightmare.

When you’re accused of an underage DUI in Florida, know what to expect from your case before you get started. Knowing the penalties for an underage DUI can help you prepare for your case and work to avoid these harsh penalties.

Distinct Penalties for Underage Drivers

When you’re pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving, your age won’t protect you from the typical penalties of a DUI conviction. If you don’t defend your case, you’ll be facing the same penalties a driver over twenty-one would face.

But Florida police officers have an additional option to penalize underage drivers called “Florida’s Zero-Tolerance Law.” This may come into play if the police officer has reason to suspect that you were drinking but doesn’t know for sure if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is over the normal legal limit.

Fines and Economic Penalties

One of the many long-term impacts of any DUI conviction is the financial burden of being convicted. If you’re convicted of drinking and driving, whether you’re underage or not, you may be paying thousands of dollars for fines.

As a younger driver, that can be especially difficult because many younger people don’t have full-time jobs or have low-paying jobs. That puts the financial strain on your family and you for some time after you’re pulled over. That can impact your ability to attend school and meet other major financial obligations.

License Suspension

If you’re charged with a DUI while under twenty-one, you can expect to lose your driving privileges for some time. Similarly, even a first-time violation of Florida’s Zero-Tolerance Law may cause you to lose your license for six months if your BAC is over 0.02 percent. If your BAC is over 0.05, you may have to complete courses to be eligible to get your license back.

If you refuse a sobriety test, you can still lose your license, even if you were sober. If you refuse to accept a breath, blood, or urine test, your license may be suspended for one year for a first-time offense.

Ignition Interlock Device

Some DUI convictions may require you to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed on your vehicle prior to getting your license back. For example, if you are convicted of a first-time DUI and your BAC was over 0.15, then you will be required to have an IID for a period of at least six months. If you are convicted of a second DUI, you will be required to have an IID for a period of at least one year.

These devices prevent you from starting your vehicle until you pass a sobriety test. This device is meant to prevent drinking and driving, but it can be embarrassing and difficult to deal with, especially if you have passengers or if you’re running late. On top of the embarrassment, these devices are expensive, and drivers should expect to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the course of the requirement.

Defend Your License with an Underage DUI Lawyer from Hersem Law

The penalties for a DUI conviction or a violation of Florida’s Zero-Tolerance Law can make your life more difficult, which makes it challenging to return to your normal life. But you don’t have to accept the penalties and move on.

You can instead turn to the aid of Hersem Law. When you take advantage of one of our free strategy sessions, we can help you identify the best ways for you to avoid harsh penalties for an underage DUI. When you’re ready to speak with a lawyer, call 813-251-7291 or fill out the following online contact form.

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What’s the Difference Between Probation and Parole?

When you’re accused of a crime, avoiding jail time is key to protecting your job, keeping your family stable, and avoiding some of the harsh penalties you may have faced otherwise. But you need to know what to ask for before you can resolve your case. So what’s the difference between probation and parole? 

The names may sound familiar, and both may be terms you’ve heard people use interchangeably, but these programs serve different purposes (and parole doesn’t really exist in Florida anymore). Speaking with your criminal defense lawyer at Hersem Law before your trial can help you seek the right options after you’re accused of a crime. 

What Is Probation? What Is Parole?

If you’ve been accused of a crime, you may be interested in pursuing probation. Probation is an opportunity to avoid time behind bars, spending your time instead outside the prison or jail. 

In some states, parole is offered to those who have served part of their sentence in jail or prison and who now have an opportunity for an early release. But in Florida, parole was abolished for most offenders in 1983. Those whose alleged crimes occurred before 1983 may still have limited parole options, but if you’re considering your options today for a recent criminal charge, parole isn’t among them.

If you seek probation, it doesn’t mean you won’t face any penalties. Because of this, you may want to speak with your lawyer at Hersem Law about your defense and about the possibility of reducing your sentence or getting the charges dismissed altogether. 

Your Rights During Probation

Before you seek probation, you may need to consider the penalties you may face while you’re on probation. This program is a replacement for jail or prison time, which means you won’t be free to do anything you want. You will instead have to meet certain conditions to stay on probation

The details of your Florida probation may be more general, while some may depend on the details of your particular charge. For example, you may have been convicted of driving under the influence, or a DUI. In those cases, part of your probation agreement may be that you can’t go to bars or other businesses that serve alcohol. You may also be expected to participate in community service, DUI school, or sobriety programs. 

If you violate the terms of your probation, you may face some harsh penalties, too. If you are facing a violation of probation (often referred to as a “VOP”), you can still be sentenced up to the maximum penalties for the original charge. Even failing to show up to a meeting with your probation officer could result in a “technical VOP” and threaten your agreement.

If they believe you broke your probation agreement, you may need to speak with a lawyer about your options. 

You may have a chance to defend your case or reinstate or modify the conditions of probation to avoid going to jail. If you don’t succeed, your probation agreement may be terminated or revoked, and you’ll have to face the rest of your sentence in custody. 

Protect Your Freedom with a Criminal Defense Lawyer 

Facing criminal charges? You may be worried about your freedom and your future after your arrest. You may not have the answers you need about your options, either, such as whether to seek probation.

Your lawyer at Hersem Law can help you untangle these definitions and get answers. When you start with a free strategy session, we can discuss why you may be eligible for probation and what your lawyer can do to fight your criminal charges. Reach out by calling 813-251-7291 or by completing the online contact form below. 

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Civil vs. Criminal Traffic Tickets: What’s the Difference?

When you’re pulled over by the police, your first thought may be frustration at being pulled over. It can be an embarrassing situation, and it can cause a lot of trouble for you now and in the future. Plus, the type of traffic ticket you’ve received, whether civil or criminal, can make a big difference. 

How do you fight these different tickets, and how do you know the difference between them? Let’s take a look at some of the key ways these traffic ticket types can differ. 

Impacts of a Civil Traffic Ticket 

When you’re issued a civil traffic ticket, you’ve been accused of committing a traffic violation. That may include speeding, illegal U-turns, or failing to stop at a traffic light, among others. But these lesser traffic violations can still come with severe consequences. 

A fine may not seem so bad, but paying your traffic ticket can come with a steeper price than that. For example, the insurance company will notice the traffic ticket. That can lead to higher insurance premiums. In some cases, you may even lose your insurance coverage, leaving you to find an insurance policy that covers your needs despite your ticket. 

You can even lose your drivers license. Every traffic ticket conviction adds points to your license. If you earn twelve points within twelve months, your license can be suspended. Some tickets can trigger an automatic suspension all by themselves.

Penalties for Criminal Traffic Violations

When you’re accused of a criminal traffic violation, you may face harsher penalties that may even end in jail time and other serious repercussions. Criminal traffic tickets are issued for situations where the police have charged you with a crime. You may be arrested for the alleged offense and taken to jail. 

These traffic tickets are often more dire because you may be left with a criminal record. That record can haunt you for years following a conviction, impacting job and housing opportunities. For example, if you’re a truck driver and you’re convicted for driving under the influence while driving a commercial truck, you may lose your license, among other potential penalties for a DUI.

How a Lawyer Can Help in Both Cases 

Whether you’re facing a civil traffic ticket or a criminal violation, you need the help of a seasoned attorney to get the best results. Both types of tickets can impact your life with consequences that will follow you for months or years. Luckily, you don’t have to plead guilty. 

Your lawyer at Hersem Law can help you plead not guilty to your traffic ticket in a Florida courtroom. They can then help you to prepare your defense, which will depend on the details of your case. Then, your lawyer can represent you in the courtroom. They can seek out a reduction in your charges or even get your ticket dismissed in some cases. 

Bring Your Traffic Ticket to a Lawyer 

When you’re facing a traffic ticket, ignoring it or paying it without fighting back can hurt your future. That ticket can leave you in trouble that may last for months or even years. 

Here’s the good news—the lawyers at Hersem Law want to help you fight your ticket. Start with a free strategy session, where we can discuss your best options to get your charges reduced or dismissed, whether it’s a civil or a criminal ticket. Call 813-251-7291 or complete the following online contact form to get answers about your case.

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Aggravating Factors in Florida Drug Cases

Drug charges have serious consequences. You may already be facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, but those consequences may get even worse if there are aggravating factors in your Florida drug case. A mistake could land you with more severe penalties that can impact your sentence and your future.

If you’re facing drug charges, you need to speak with a Florida drug lawyer about your case, as well as any aggravating factors that may be involved. Your lawyer may be able to help you avoid more serious penalties caused by those aggravating factors.

Prior Convictions

If you’ve been convicted of a drug-related offense in the past, that can impact your case. Repeat offenders may see harsher sentences. Those charged for the first time may receive lesser penalties because they don’t have a record of these actions.

If you’ve been convicted of a crime in the past, letting your drug lawyer know before your case goes to court can make a big difference for your case. Your lawyer at Hersem Law can help you address these past convictions and the current charges.

Aggravating Factors

If you’ve been charged with a drug crime, aggravating factors can enhance the level of the charge and the potential penalty to be imposed. For example, Florida law allows for enhanced penalties if the crime took place within a school zone or if the offense involved the distribution of controlled substances to persons under the age of 18 years.

Let’s say you’ve been accused of selling drugs. The use or employment of persons under the age of 18 years to aid in the distribution of controlled substances is also an aggravating factor to be considered.

Location of the Drugs

When you’re arrested for drug charges, even your location can impact the severity of your charges. For example, drug possession may be a first-degree misdemeanor in some cases. But you may have been arrested and accused of drug possession while near a school, many types of public buildings, or public transit.

In these cases, you may see harsher penalties connected to your charges that you may not have received otherwise. Because of this, you may need to act now with your drug lawyer if you’re accused of possessing or selling drugs in places like these. Your lawyer may be able to help you address these factors and fight evidence against you.

Find Out How a Defense Attorney Can Help Your Drug Case

When you’re accused of drug-related charges, there is the possibility that those charges may be enhanced. If you don’t address aggravating factors in your Florida drug case, you may have difficulties avoiding a more serious conviction.

Your lawyer at Hersem Law is here to help you address the charges and any factors that could hurt your case. They can represent your drug case on your behalf, seeking to get your charges reduced or dismissed. If you’re concerned about your future, reach out to a lawyer by calling 813-251-7291 or by completing the online contact form below.