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Civil vs. Criminal Traffic Tickets: What’s the Difference?

January 4, 2021
When you’re pulled over by the police, your first thought may be frustration at being pulled over. It can be an embarrassing situation, and it can cause a lot of trouble for you now and in the future. Plus, the type of traffic ticket you’ve received, whether civil or criminal, can make a big difference.  How do you fight these…


Aggravating Factors in Florida Drug Cases

December 8, 2020
Drug charges have serious consequences. You may already be facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, but those consequences may get even worse if there are aggravating factors in your Florida drug case. A mistake could land you with more severe penalties that can impact your sentence and your future. If you’re facing drug charges, you need to speak with a…


How Does a Florida Hardship License Work?

November 20, 2020
If you’ve been pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence in Florida, your drivers license may be in danger. Even a first-time DUI can lead to a license revocation, which means you can lose your driving privileges for months or even years. You may need a license to keep your job or attend school, and a hardship license…


Do Arrest Warrants Expire in Florida?

October 1, 2020
When you’re accused of a serious crime, facing your arrest warrant head-on can be scary. You could be facing life-changing charges that impact you for years. Because of this, you may have wondered, “Do arrest warrants expire in Florida?” Waiting on your arrest warrant to expire won’t help your case. If you’re unsure how to approach your arrest warrant, a…


How Implied Consent Law Can Impact Your DUI Case

When you’ve been pulled over and the police want you to take a test to determine the alcohol content of your breath, urine, or blood, you may have considered refusing. That’s less evidence against you in court, right? Unfortunately, it isn’t so simple. Your choice is impacted by implied consent. You may not be sure how implied consent law can…